Crossing the Blues

Flower Tattoos

Flower Tattoos
Flower Tattoos
Flower tattoos are often highly valued among women looking for their first piece of body art. It’s form and shape reminds us of the gentle platitudes of the female form and for the most part flower tattoos are of a feminine nature. But, the symbolism of the flower tattoo design depends entirely on the color and the genus of flowers indicated. Each indigenous flower has it’s own unique symbolic characteristics. Next to the ubiquitous rose, the iris is the most highly symbolized flower. With Christianity, the triple petals of the Iris came to symbolize the Holy Trinity. The colors of the Iris -blue and white- became associated with the Virgin Mary. The Archangel Gabriel is depicted holding the flower in his hand when he appeared to her, establishing it as a symbol of purity. In Medieval England, noblewomen often took the Iris as a symbol of virtue and had its image incorporated into their personal seal. The Violet, Hyacinth, and Narcissus are all flowers with names derived from Greek mythology. The Violet, for instance, took its name from the little nymph Io, much loved by Zeus. To avoid his wife’s jealousy, Zeus changed Io into a heifer and put her in a field of sweet purple violets!

Flower Tattoos
Flower Tattoos
This is a perfect example of a flower tattoo that is rich in symbolism. Depicted in the photo is a cherry blossom being suckled by a butterfly. Both the flower and the butterfly are quite symbolic on their own merit but when combined a whole new dimension is added. The cherry blossom is a symbol of female beauty and sexuality. It’s also a symbol of the fragility of life. Everything that was ever born will die and that is reflected in the frail, but beautiful pale petals of the cherry blossom. It was a symbol that is favored among the Samurai nobles of ancient japan. It reminded them that everyday death is beckoning to them and that one day they will have to face their mortality. The butterfly is also a symbol of the feminine gender but it’s also a symbol of the impermanent and fleeting. When combined the two symbols in one flower tattoo represent the fleeting nature of physical beauty and sexuality. This flower tattoo expresses the divine beauty of youth which will eventually come to an end. It is reminiscent of the spring which burst forth ripe with color and then slowly fades as the seasons transition to summer, then fall and eventually winter.

Tom Araya Tattoos

Tom Araya is an amazingly talented Chilean musician known for being the bass player and vocalist of the thrash metal band, Slayer.

Tom Araya has many tattoos on his body, including two nearly complete sleeves, as well as several other designs on his upper arms and shoulders.

Some of the tattoos on his right arm include, a skull on his upper arm, along with two Kanji characters underneath. Plus many designs within his sleeve, including a star and bio-hazard symbol, plus a bracelet of sorts.

Contained within the sleeve on his left arm is the faces of three women, one of which resembles Jackie Onassis.

Tom also has a handful of other tattoos on his upper left arm and shoulder area, however they are rather difficult to identify clearly.

Rafael Araújo Tattoos

Rafael Araújo is a professinal Brazilian basketball player who has also spent some time in the NBA with the Toronto Raptors and Utah Jazz.

Rafael has quite a few tattoo designs, mainly on his arms and back.

On his left arm is a tattoo of a hand holding a basketball, along with 3 Kanji characters.

On his right arm is a large tattoo of a cartoon style shark with its tongue sticking out, along with a couple more larger Kanji characters, on his bicep and shoulder.

Rafael Araújo also has a rather large tribal style tattoo across the top of his back.

feminine zodiac | Tattoo Girls

I thought it would be next to impossible to find a collection of one-of-a-kind tattoos as I would have to trudge through God knows how many websites but to my amazement, I couldn’t have been more wrong. Some words of wisdom from my good buddy Jerry Chuan finally set me on the right path and helped me accomplish my mission with relative ease. Here are some tips that you should do well to remember when looking for unique Libra tattoos:

tattoo girls, tattoo expo
feminine zodiac | Tattoo Girls

Don’t be a freebie seeker.
Chuan showed me the error of my ways so to speak, and made me realize that “free” and “unique” do not go hand in hand. Spending a tad amount of cash can really go a long way in helping you secure a design that will be a part of your body for the rest of your life. You wouldn’t want to fork out your hard-earned bucks for a laser surgery or cover-ups, right? Of course not! You’re better off spending the extra dough on a large pizza (sorry, can’t resist the pun) with all the trimmings to celebrate the end of your search for unique Libra tattoos.

feminine zodiac | Tattoo Girls

I thought it would be next to impossible to find a collection of one-of-a-kind tattoos as I would have to trudge through God knows how many websites but to my amazement, I couldn’t have been more wrong. Some words of wisdom from my good buddy Jerry Chuan finally set me on the right path and helped me accomplish my mission with relative ease. Here are some tips that you should do well to remember when looking for unique Libra tattoos:

tattoo girls, tattoo expo
feminine zodiac | Tattoo Girls

Don’t be a freebie seeker.
Chuan showed me the error of my ways so to speak, and made me realize that “free” and “unique” do not go hand in hand. Spending a tad amount of cash can really go a long way in helping you secure a design that will be a part of your body for the rest of your life. You wouldn’t want to fork out your hard-earned bucks for a laser surgery or cover-ups, right? Of course not! You’re better off spending the extra dough on a large pizza (sorry, can’t resist the pun) with all the trimmings to celebrate the end of your search for unique Libra tattoos.

tatoto removal | tattoo johnny

In order to understand how a tattoo is gotten rid of, it is first important for a person to understand how a tattoo is structured to become permanent. Basically, when a tattoo is applied, there are small holes that are simultaneously made with the actual injections of the tattoos ink. This ink then bonds with the skin molecules to create what is supposed to be a permanent tattoo.

Medical technology has definitely advanced in recent years, because before, people who got a tattoos only had the option of tattooing over it or covering it if they did not like it. Now, there are two main methods of tattoo removal, the first using a chemical solution known as TCA, and the second involving lasers.

TCA is a solution that is clear, and it actually resembles water. The solution itself is gently, with a q tip, applied to the tattooed area by the person wishing to get rid of their tattoo. What this solution does is permeate the upper layers of the skin, and slowly break apart the skin molecules that have bonded to the ink. This process needs to be done once every six weeks or so in order to prevent scarring.

Another option is to choose a form of tattoo removal that involves lasers. This is, perhaps, the more prevalent removal method, generally because it is considered to be the safest method of removal. In such a procedure, which is done in an outpatient setting by a dermatologist, the heat of the laser destroys the molecules that have bonded to the ink. At the same time, the laser light stimulates more blood flow in the area, which in turn helps to build more new, clear skin tissue.

It is important to note that the laser method will also need to be spaced out over a period of several weeks to several months in order to prevent scarring. Perhaps the more commonly asked question by those people who are looking to get rid of their body art is in reference to how long it will actually take. This answer varies in accordance with the kind of tattoo that was gotten, as well as the age of the tattoo.

tatoto removal | tattoo johnny

In order to understand how a tattoo is gotten rid of, it is first important for a person to understand how a tattoo is structured to become permanent. Basically, when a tattoo is applied, there are small holes that are simultaneously made with the actual injections of the tattoos ink. This ink then bonds with the skin molecules to create what is supposed to be a permanent tattoo.

Medical technology has definitely advanced in recent years, because before, people who got a tattoos only had the option of tattooing over it or covering it if they did not like it. Now, there are two main methods of tattoo removal, the first using a chemical solution known as TCA, and the second involving lasers.

TCA is a solution that is clear, and it actually resembles water. The solution itself is gently, with a q tip, applied to the tattooed area by the person wishing to get rid of their tattoo. What this solution does is permeate the upper layers of the skin, and slowly break apart the skin molecules that have bonded to the ink. This process needs to be done once every six weeks or so in order to prevent scarring.

Another option is to choose a form of tattoo removal that involves lasers. This is, perhaps, the more prevalent removal method, generally because it is considered to be the safest method of removal. In such a procedure, which is done in an outpatient setting by a dermatologist, the heat of the laser destroys the molecules that have bonded to the ink. At the same time, the laser light stimulates more blood flow in the area, which in turn helps to build more new, clear skin tissue.

It is important to note that the laser method will also need to be spaced out over a period of several weeks to several months in order to prevent scarring. Perhaps the more commonly asked question by those people who are looking to get rid of their body art is in reference to how long it will actually take. This answer varies in accordance with the kind of tattoo that was gotten, as well as the age of the tattoo.

Lion Tattoos

Lion Tattoos
Lion Tattoos
The lion tattoo is often a beautiful and contradictory symbol in tattooing today. These creatures embody pride, strength, nobility and loyalty. Yet, at the same time they can be symbols of savagery, fear and are sometimes depicted as being vain. The Lion was often used as a symbol of Royalty, as in many cultures it was considered the "King of the Beasts". In early Christianity, as Jesus was seen to be the "King of Kings", he was often represented by a Lion, and a Lion was the symbol of St. Mark. The Lion is mentioned many times in the Bible and the time when a Lion lays with a Lamb is seen as the dawning of a New Age. In African cultures the Lion was a powerful symbol in many Creation Myths, as both Creator and Destructor, and in some cultures the Lion figured prominently in rites of passages to becoming a man and full-fledged warrior. To kill a lion single-handedly was the height of prowess for a hunter. But in many African fables the Lion is often depicted as a vain, arrogant creature who is often out-witted by smaller more clever creatures. So, as you can clearly see the lion tattoo has many different meanings to different people.

Lion Tattoos
Lion Tattoos
Very few things in history have stood for as much as the lion when it comes to tattoos, or any other sort of thing. At one time or another the lion has been worshipped and revered by many of the peoples throughout this world. Firstly is the obvious. When you see lion tattoos you think of speed, agility, the king of the beasts and all of that good stuff. Including of course the lion as the astrological symbol of Leo and as such represents the sun.
The lion tattoos also stand for power and courage and everybody likes to be thought of as these things so that could be one reason why lion tattoos are so popular. This particular picture of a lion tattoo is a nice one. It’s a lion who seems to be sitting in contentment as it looks out over it’s domain, knowing it has nothing out there to fear. But just like it sits there content we can see in its eyes that this cat is not to messed with in any way, shape or form. The best advice would be to walk around and give it a wide birth. Maybe that’s what people with lion tattoos are saying to others. Leave me alone and you’ll be better off.

sexy lower back tattoo | Tattoo Girls

tattoo girls

sexy lower back tattoo | Tattoo Girls

sexy lower back tattoo | Tattoo Girls

tattoo girls

sexy lower back tattoo | Tattoo Girls

Nicole Appleton Tattoo

Nicole Appleton is a lovely and talented Canadian pop star, known for being a member of the hugely successful pop group "All Saints" and later "Appleton" with her sister Natalie Appleton.

Much like her sister, Nicole Appleton only has one tattoo design.

The tattoo is on the left side of her lower abdomen, and its of the Chinese symbol representing the "Year of the Tiger".

Natalie Appleton Tattoo

Natalie Appleton is a great Canadian pop singer, best known for being a member of the all girls pop group "All Saints" and later as part of the group "Appleton" with her little sister, Nicole Appleton.

Natalie has a single tattoo design on her body, located on her lower back and its of a small bow tie, along with two other unknown symbols.

Fiona Apple Tattoos

Fiona Apple is an extremely talented and creative American singer-songwriter, with a music style influenced by jazz, pop and alternative rock.

Fiona Apple has two tattoo designs which we know of and both are located on her lower back.

She has a tattoo of the letters "KIN" and "FHW" on the lower portion of her back (Not Pictured).

TATTOO GIRLS | cool ankle tattoos with butterfly tattoo and tribal tattoo

tattoo girlsTATTOO GIRLS | cool ankle tattoos with butterfly tattoo and tribal tattoo

TATTOO GIRLS | cool ankle tattoos with butterfly tattoo and tribal tattoo

tattoo girlsTATTOO GIRLS | cool ankle tattoos with butterfly tattoo and tribal tattoo

Star tatoos | TATTOO GIRLS

Many people who see someone with many tattoos will automatically think negative thoughts. Those who have tattoos are just like anyone else – except for the fact that they wish to stand out and broadcast who they are, simply because they have a strong sense of who they are. Those with tattoos aren’t afraid to show them, as they put them on their body to let others know who they are and what they are about.

Most who decide to look into the psychology of those with tattoos seem to associate them as criminals and study them like they are common rats in the cage. Contrary to this opinion that many experts have, those who have tattoos aren’t in any type of cage. Instead, they are out there expressing their freedom. Whether they are going by what they believe, showing that they belong to a certain group or clan, or paying homage to the dearly departed – there are always meanings behind tattoos.

The psychologist who studies those with tattoos will normally try to get into their frame of mind, which is hard to do. For hundreds of years tattoos have always been a question from a psychological standpoint, with most people associating tattoos in the past with criminals. Even though criminals may have tattoos, there are just as many if not more people out there who are some of the friendliest people in the world who have them as well.

To look at tattoos from a psychological standpoint can sometimes be hypocritical. Although those who don’t have tattoos will try and figure out why someone would want them, it can still be considered a psychological point of view. Those who have tattoos had a reason for getting them, or they wouldn’t have got them in the first place.

tattoo girlsNo matter where you look these days it’s a common thing to see someone with at least one tattoo. This doesn’t mean that society is dwindling in any way, nor does it mean that mankind is becoming a bunch of clones following after one leader. Tattoos have built there own reputation over the years, gaining in popularity. Over the years more and more people have decided to get them – which only goes to show the phenomenon that is tattoos.

When you decide to look at the psychology of tattoos, you must first understand some of the meanings. A tattoo can tell you a lot about the individual and his past. Although some tattoos may be a bit frightening, that individual may have got the tattoos in his past and turn out to be nothing like that now. Like others out there – the tattoos that were obtained in the past may be left as a reminder for the future.
Star tatoos | TATTOO GIRLS

Star tatoos | TATTOO GIRLS

Many people who see someone with many tattoos will automatically think negative thoughts. Those who have tattoos are just like anyone else – except for the fact that they wish to stand out and broadcast who they are, simply because they have a strong sense of who they are. Those with tattoos aren’t afraid to show them, as they put them on their body to let others know who they are and what they are about.

Most who decide to look into the psychology of those with tattoos seem to associate them as criminals and study them like they are common rats in the cage. Contrary to this opinion that many experts have, those who have tattoos aren’t in any type of cage. Instead, they are out there expressing their freedom. Whether they are going by what they believe, showing that they belong to a certain group or clan, or paying homage to the dearly departed – there are always meanings behind tattoos.

The psychologist who studies those with tattoos will normally try to get into their frame of mind, which is hard to do. For hundreds of years tattoos have always been a question from a psychological standpoint, with most people associating tattoos in the past with criminals. Even though criminals may have tattoos, there are just as many if not more people out there who are some of the friendliest people in the world who have them as well.

To look at tattoos from a psychological standpoint can sometimes be hypocritical. Although those who don’t have tattoos will try and figure out why someone would want them, it can still be considered a psychological point of view. Those who have tattoos had a reason for getting them, or they wouldn’t have got them in the first place.

tattoo girlsNo matter where you look these days it’s a common thing to see someone with at least one tattoo. This doesn’t mean that society is dwindling in any way, nor does it mean that mankind is becoming a bunch of clones following after one leader. Tattoos have built there own reputation over the years, gaining in popularity. Over the years more and more people have decided to get them – which only goes to show the phenomenon that is tattoos.

When you decide to look at the psychology of tattoos, you must first understand some of the meanings. A tattoo can tell you a lot about the individual and his past. Although some tattoos may be a bit frightening, that individual may have got the tattoos in his past and turn out to be nothing like that now. Like others out there – the tattoos that were obtained in the past may be left as a reminder for the future.
Star tatoos | TATTOO GIRLS

TATTOO GIRLS | tattoo sterne on forearm

tattoo girls
TATTOO GIRLS | tattoo sterne on forearm

TATTOO GIRLS | tattoo sterne on forearm

tattoo girls
TATTOO GIRLS | tattoo sterne on forearm


Tribal Tattoo designs


Tribal Tattoo designs

The Tribal tattoo designs always look great and it also contains deeper meaning. There are wide choices available in tribal tattoo designs according to the taste and preferences of customer. The different types of tribal tattoo designs are of sun, star, religious symbol and zodiac designs. Each of the tribal design has its own unique meaning and apart from that these tattoos are also used in the form of mark affiliation with spiritual, religious or magical beliefs.

The best part about the Tribal tattoo designs is that they are adaptable on any part of the body whether it is on back or shoulder. The tattoo looks absolutely creative. You can also even make a unique chain of tribal sun and star in the form of tribal design tattoos.

The most popular choice among tribal design tattoos is zodiac tribal tattoos. The zodiac is called as the first celestial coordinate system. Apart from that Roman and Greek is also very much in demand as tribal design tattoos. The zodiac design of roman and Greek leaves an astrological meaning.

Tribal Tattoo designs

Tribal designs tattoos are always represents a religious meaning from past several years. People choose tribal design tattoos to present the religious beliefs in the primitive form with the help tribal tattoo of religious symbols. The key of tribal design tattoo is to make sure that symbol you create in the form of tribal design tattoo should be meaningful. You can choose any type of tribal art tattoo that matches perfectly with your body and makes you look good.

Tribal Tattoo designs

Carmelo Anthony Tattoos

Carmelo Anthony, often referred to as "Melo" is a tremendously talented NBA professional basketball player for the Denver Nuggets, known for his smooth style and clutch jump shots.

Carmelo Anthony is pretty much covered in tattoos, mainly both his arms, chest and back.

Some of the tattoos on his right arm include, a flaming basketball with the letters "C A", the classic "Smile Now Cry Later" faces, but with a dagger in the head of the crying face.

He also has a snake wrapped around a dagger, on the outer portion of his right forearm along with a couple of stars and "Who Can I Trust" on his bicep.

Some of the tattoos on his left arm include, a bulldog with playing cards in the background, his nickname "Melo" with a flaming tribal tattoo design of sorts.

Some of Carmelo Anthony's other tattoo designs include, a spiderweb on his left elbow, "WB" just below his left shoulder, which stands for "West Baltimore".

Melo also has several phrases tattooed on his chest, one of which reads "No struggle, no progress".

Checkout these pictures of Carmelo Anthony and his tattoos.

Marc Anthony Tattoos

Marc Anthony is a Grammy award-winning singer/songwriter and actor, but perhaps best known for his high profile marriage to the beautiful singer/actress Jennifer Lopez.

Marc Anthony has five tattoo designs on his body, some of which are difficult to see clearly.

He has a large cross on the lower portion of his right leg, just above his ankle. A tribal style tattoo of sorts on his right arm.

On the into part of his right wrist, is the name of his wife "Jennifer" Lopez.

Marc also has two small tattoos on his chest, but its not totally clear what they are, however one resembles a man with a cowboy hat.