Crossing the Blues

Stephen Dorff Tattoos

Stephen Dorff is a marvelous American movie actor, best known for his role in the movie Backbeat and Blade.

Stephen Dorff has a handful of tattoos which we have spotted on him, including a tiny heart on the back of his right elbow, and the name of his mother "Nancy" on his right forearm.

The actor also has an unknown tattoo design on his right bicep area, and another tattoo design just above his left armpit.

Stephen Dorff Tattoos.

cartoon tattoo

carton tattoos design
carton tattoos design
carton tattoos design
carton tattoos design
carton tattoos design

Chin up!

I love these sad looking old school ladies, from Rachi Brains

buterfly tattoo

buterfly tattoos designbuterfly tattoos designbuterfly tattoos designbuterfly tattoos design

Pete Doherty Tattoos

Pete Doherty is an English singer songwriter, known as the frontman for the band entitled Baby Shambles and The Libertines.

Pete Doherty has several tattoos which seem to be a bit random in nature and location, including a tattoo design on his neck of his sons name "Estile" which appears to be "Astile".

Some of his other tattoos include, a heart with an arrow and the letter "K" which stands for "Kate" Moss, who is his ex girlfriend.

He has a mermaid on his right forearm, plus a skull and crossbones tattoo on his inner left forearm, along with "Baby Shambles" on his chest.

Pete Doherty also has a few other tattoos, however they are difficult to see clearly.

Facts about African Tribal tattoo Design

1. There are some African tribal tattoo designs that are drawn to give the wearer protection from dangers. The pattern usually depicts an image that is expected to guard the person from harms throughout life.
2. African tribal scarring did not originate just as body decoration art form. They were drawn so that the wearer can take on a supernatural state, representing qualities that supersede human abilities.
3. The origin of African tribal scarring/tattooing body work dates back to 2000BC. The first few revelations depicted images of Egyptian High Priestesses with tattooed arms.
4. There is a specific African tribal scarring called cicatrisation. It is done by people with too dark skin tone for regular tattoo coloration to appear.

Tribal Tattoo- An Appealing Body Art

Tribal Tattoo

Tribal tattoo designs have always been an integral part of the tattoo world. A unisex pattern, tribal tattoo art is derived from different tribal regions.

Tribal tattoo designs are undoubtedly the most popular tattoo patterns that have been in existence since ages. Refined and modified over the years, these tattoo patterns are hot favorites of scores of tattoo enthusiasts. Derived from the tribal art and traditions of different tribal regions, the tribal tattoos generally depict abstract or complex patterns that look very fascinating.

Types of Tribal Tattoos

There are several tribal tattoo designs that have been popular since ages. Some of the tribal tattoos that are classified on the basis of their tribal origin are enumerated below:

Celtic Tattoos
These Celtic designs are the most popular tribal tattoos that owe their credit to the Celtic art. The design comprises several knots or loops with no starting and ending point. It is associated with the never ending cycle of death and rebirth. Animal tattoo designs like were dragon, lion etc were prevalent in the Celtic tribes.

Maoris tribal Tattoos
These tattoos owe their origin to Maoris tribe of New Zealand. The designs were used to depict ones prestige or pride and also the transition from one social status to one another.

North American Tribal Art
Among the North American tribes, the tribal tattoos denoted rank within the tribe. Different types of weapons were tattooed on their skin.

Borneo Tribal Art
Tattooing had a completely different concept for the Borneo tribes. According to them, they could actually draw energy from the spirits of the tattooed image or creature because they believed that spirits are present in everything surrounding them.

There are some other tribal tattoo arts like Samoa Tribal art and African Tribal art that do not use pigments for tattooing. Instead in these art forms the skin was carved or cut with a sharp object and the wound created was the tattoo design.

Butt Cheek Buddy

If you have a really close buddy and you want to display your friendship toward him, just take him out to dinner or by him a football...

But whatever you do...Don't get his face tattooed on your butt cheek!

How will he ever explain this to his future wife and kids...Awkward!

tribal tattoos designs for women

tribal tattoos designs for women

Snake Tattoos

Snake Tattoos
Snake tattoos are found in all forms of classic tattooing. That’s because since the dawn of man, the snake has had significant religious and symbolic meaning. So, it’s no wonder that the snake tattoo has always been a popular design choice. The concept of the snake as a symbol of wisdom and knowledge goes back a long way. Legends from the most ancient civilizations tell of the snake or serpent bringing about the creation of the planets. Indeed, the myth of Ouroboros which emerged in 1600 years BC in Egypt, features an enormous serpent devouring its own tail, surviving by devouring itself, symbolizing an unending, eternal cycle of renewal. This idea of a cycle without end is an echo of the concept of infinity. And in Greek mythology, the serpent was associated with the goddess of the moon. As a female symbol, it brings knowledge to mankind, while in other cultures it is portrayed as a goddess of mystery, birth and death. In the Americas, there are many myths that tell of snake people living underground, both as guardians of the next world, and of helpers of humans still living in on this earthly realm. Many of these myths are grounded in the observations that many snakes hibernate underground and seem to be renewed by shedding their skins on a regular basis. Thus, like the frog, a snake tattoo can be symbol of regeneration and rebirth. Of course, it can also be seen as a symbol of death and danger. It all depends on the bearer’s perspective of what the snake tattoo means to him or her.
Snake Tattoos
In this picture we are looking at two versions of the same snake tattoo at two different times of it being put on this persons leg. It is impossible to tell what kind of snake it is meant to be but certainly the fangs tell us that it is meant to be a poisonous snake. Meaning deadly. It is no accident that snake tattoos are so popular. As one of the oldest symbols in existence, drawings of snakes have been found long before any form of the written word appeared. In many cultures snakes represented life and death and also many times represented the Underworld.

The snake tattoos as symbols of wisdom and knowledge go back a long way. Legends from the most ancient civilizations tell of the snake or serpent bringing about the creation of the planets. Indeed, a myth from ancient Egypt suggests that there was an enormous serpent devouring its own tail and literally surviving by devouring itself, symbolizing an eternal cycle of renewal. This idea of a cycle without end is the concept of eternal life and infinity which brings us right back to the old yin yang thing once again. Needless to say snake tattoos can say an awful lot if you need them to.

Foot Tattoos

Foot Tattoos
If you like the foot tattoo in this picture then you might want to run out and get one done right away. But, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind first. Foot tattoos must be cared for in a certain way. Especially as they are healing. Foot tattoos are more likely to become infected then other locations on the body, which is another reason why some tattooist are reluctant to do them. Your new foot tattoo needs to be kept clean, dry and free from any dirt particles. You have to be especially careful to not let anything that will irritate it come into contact with it. This means that shoes or socks are not to be worn, or worn only occasionally if at all possible for at least a couple of weeks after the tattoo has been inked. This will allow your foot tattoo to lose any of the swelling it may have. Plus, you have to remember that if a tattoo is being constantly rubbed then the ink can come out of it until it heals. So, extra precautions and forethought has to be put into it before you even get the ink flowing.
Foot Tattoos
It is usually women who are interested in foot tattoos, but personally, I think they look pretty cool on guys too. That is if they choose the right type of design. I would think the first thing you should do is choose a design that best reflects your own personality and style. But you do want to make sure to take your time so that you don’t make a mistake. One of the most typical mistakes is people getting something that is so trendy that in ten years it looks silly and it gives away your age. Some people may not care about that but I know that others certainly do.

The most common foot tattoos on the top of the foot but some people actually choose to get their foot tattoos put on the bottom of their feet. I am not really sure why as that seems it would be very painful and much harder to heal and of course, very few people are ever going to see it. Not to mention that a tattoo on the bottom of the foot will not have as much color nor near as much detail as one on the top of the foot.

Chest Tattoo

Chest Tattoo
This chest tattoo brings a dark picture together with bright colors and flowers. The color’s used in this chest tattoo are green, blue, orange, pink, gold, white, tan, purple, and black, and all the colors are blended real well. The skulls in this chest tattoo are grey with hints of white around the edges and the teeth. One tooth on each skull is gold. The eye sockets on each skull start off a very light pink on the edges and fades to a black near the outer rim of the sockets. The same goes for the nose of each skull, pink near the back, black near the outer rim. Green vines flow through the nose and eye sockets of each skull. Different colored flowers, ranging from pink to green, and blue to orange, grow on the vines growing from out of the skulls. This chest tattoo is unique and original because it mixes a morbid image like a skull and the beautiful colors of flowers all in one tattoo. This is one chest tattoo that anyone would be interested in, because it mixes so many different styles of art into one piece of artwork. This is a really good tattoo.
Chest Tattoo
This is a great representation of what an average person can do with a chest tattoo. Chest tattoos can be hidden or revealed at will, so you can put just about any design there. And because there is a lot of space to work with, chest tattoos can sport some pretty large designs with a lot of different elements in them. The chest tattoo in the picture is frequently referred to as a chest piece, because it covers from shoulder to shoulder like an armors chest piece. The wearer has combined several different things in his design. On one shoulder is written the word "love", on the other is written the word "hate". In the center of this chest piece is a hand holding cards, generally used to mean luck or chance. I would venture to say that the intended symbolism of this design is to infer that all things in this life are hanging on the whims of fate. And that includes love and hate or peace and war. The again, the bearer of this chest tattoo could have simply chosen the design because it looks really hot and is done in a more traditional type of style. What do you think?

What Are Popular Tribal Tattoos

Tattoos are one thing. They are becoming more popular than ever. Research has shown that nearly 1 in 4 people have at least one tribal tattoo. There are many possibilities for the man the opportunity to be creative. Below, we will see some of the most popular tattoo designs.

Tribal tattoos are among the most popular tattoo design. You have already hundreds of years and they are becoming more developed and increasingly complex design and style. Tribal tattoo for a traditional style black for the arms and legs and colorful styles, all the bodies. A colorful look more modern and compared to other styles.

best tribal Angel tattoos

best tribal Angel tattoos

Shannen Doherty Tattoos

Shannen Doherty is a sassy American actress, best known for her role as Brenda Walsh in the television show Beverly Hills, 90210.

Shannen Doherty has a couple tattoos which we know about, including a cross with a patch of flowers located on her right ankle.

The actress also has a yellow star tattoo design on her the left side of her lower abdomen.

Girl tribal tattoos

Girl tribal tattoos

Robert De Niro Tattoos

Robert De Niro is a brilliant legendary American actor, known for his role in such movies as Raging Bull and Taxi Driver.

Robert De Niro was seen with several fake tattoos while filming the movie Cape Fear, however he is rumored to only have one real tattoo design, a panther in an unknown location.

Robert De Niro Tattoos.

Popular Tribal Tattoos

A tribal tattoo is quite an extreme tattoo; it is a black design that is usually applied to the upper arm or back. The original wearers of tribal tattoos used the designs to show their status within their community, it served a purpose to warn others of their rank. This is obviously no longer the case; however it is worth taking the time to understand the importance of the tribal tattoo before having one done.

Taking the time to understand the culture and history of a tribal tattoo, shows a level of respect to a civilisation that has long passed. Although, that being said we no longer look at a person's tattoos to establish their success as a hunter. Nevertheless, it is important that the original inspiration remains.

Grim Reaper Tattoos

Grim Reaper Tattoos
As far as grim reaper tattoos go this is a pretty damn good one. It is very imaginative and very creepy. Simple but very much to the point and it gets the point across, in my humble opinion, in a very big way. I do not know what this style of art is called but I like it very, very much. It takes but one look at this piece of art to get an impression from it and that is something I can appreciate a great deal. Should I ever decide to get one of these grim reaper tattoos, this one, or one very much like it, will be very high up on the list of what I choose from. I would not be surprised if I chose this one exactly as it is.

I’m glad I got to see this version of the grim reaper tattoos. The grim reaper here in this drawing makes me think he is just sitting there for a moment waiting for his next victim. And then he will swoop off to the left, the right, the up or the down and go and collect the next soul due to him. And of course, moments later he will be back for another. Because we all know that this is a process that never ends.

Grim Reaper Tattoos
The grim reaper tattoo has been seen in the past as a moniker of evil. The grim reaper has often been associated with the dark forces of the devil, though this has historically not been the case. The grim reaper tattoo is simply a physical representation of death. It is neither good nor evil, it is what it is. The grim reaper is charged with taking the recently dead to the next life. Whether that is heaven, hell or purgatory depends on how the person has lived his life. So actually, the grim reaper is an agent of life as well as death. He has no control over who goes when and where they go when they die. He is merely an agent of the larger forces of the universe. Bearers of the grim reaper tattoo are usually making a statement with their design choice. The grim reaper tattoo states that the wearer is not afraid of death. The bearer of the tattoo in the picture has illustrated this symbolic representation even further by adding in the phrase, "Death Can Wait". He is making the statement that he is going to live life to the fullest and is not going to be bound by the fear of death.

Rose Tattoo

Rose Tattoo
One of the most requested designs of all times, and one that continues to be popular both among men and women is the rose tattoo. And while most people favor the rose tattoo for it’s grace and beauty there is a significant symbolic meaning behind those pretty petals. It’s a symbol of passion, chastity, and purity. The gift of a single red rose expresses romantic love while a thornless rose declares "love at first sight". Yellow roses are for joy, white for reverence, and light pink for sympathy and admiration. In medieval times, the white rose was the symbol of virginity. Countless tales and legends name the rose as a source of love and delight. According to the ancient Persians, the nightingale loved the white rose so much that the bird embraced it, piercing its heart and turning the rose red. And the rose’s beauty, variety, and exquisite scent have inspired lovers, saints and artists since humans first encountered it. Poems have been written of it and it has appeared in numerous forms of art. So, it’s only natural that mankind would immortalize this most sacred of flowers by tattooing it. Whether it’s your first tattoo or one of many, the rose tattoo can compliment any array of tattoo work.
Rose Tattoo
The rose tattoo has enjoyed a varied and interesting history, much as the rose itself has. Early Christians associated the rose with their Roman enemies, hence it became a mark of scorn, but eventually it came to symbolize the survival of persecution. Later yet, won over by its fabulous beauty, Christians adopted the rose as a symbol of the miraculous. At least a dozen saints have their names linked with roses, like Saint Therese of Lisieux, also known as Saint Therese of the Roses. The Virgin Mary herself is called "The Mystical Rose". The first rosary is said to have consisted of roses, then later rose carved beads. Other religions have also embraced this flower and the rose tattoo in general. Ancient Hindu writings speak of the goddess Lakshmi being born of 108 large rose petals, and 1,108 smaller ones. In 15th century England, during the bloody War of the Roses, the red rose stood for the House of Lancaster, while the white rose represented the House of York. For the Romans and the Greeks, roses represented beauty and love. The story goes that Cleopatra had her palace strewn with rose petals to receive her lover, Mark Anthony. So, if your thinking about getting a rose tattoo then you would be in great company among the historical figures who have also loved the rose both as a flower and as a symbol.

Tattoo Drawings

Tattoo Drawings
We all know that tattoo drawings can be of almost anything at all. This one however is a drawing of some sort of winged dragon or demon that come with a knife or short sword. Perhaps meaning that it is a dragon with a sting. In many cultures dragon are a power of strength and can represent a God like creature so maybe this drawing is meant to be of one of those creatures and that the sword is to show that it wields a great power with it. We know, from the holes in this creatures wings that it is not one that would be afraid of fighting, but rather one who would welcome it. And perhaps that is the message here. Like saying, if you mess with me, you’re going to know you’ve been in a wild fight, win or lose.

It’s hard to find tattoo drawings this good and I like tattoo drawings like this one. It shows both imagination and creativity and for me those are the most important elements in any form of artwork, most especially tattoos. With the right shading and coloring this could really be one hell of a nice tattoo that I believe would be appreciate by many for a very long time.

Tattoo Drawings
Here is one of those tattoo drawings that is way too early, in my opinion, to be chosen as a tattoo to get. I would want to see it developed more. Show me some more detail. Show me some color. I want a much better idea of what my tat is going to look like before I give it the okay. And for me, this is only a conceptual drawing that gives me no clear idea of how the tattoo is going to look. Unless, the tattoo is meant to look just like this. And if that’s the case, I wouldn’t want to anyway.

I like looking at the many tattoo drawings an artist may have around, when I am trying to figure out my next tattoo but sometimes they are confusing because they are not always a final view of exactly what the tattoo will be. And I am one of those people who needs to see a very close representation of what the final tattoo will look like before I get it. I’m just picky that way. Maybe everyone out there is probably not that way when looking at tattoo drawings. And I am not saying you need to be crazy about this, just be careful out there folks.